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All our Females have been Orivet Full Breed DNA health tested to ensure puppies will never be effected by testable disorders & diseases


This girl is our sporty girl, Candy come from a sheep working farm down in western NSW, she has been trained for sheep herding, although she is super athletic, she is also our biggest snuggle bunny.

She loves kids, dams and running with the quad.


She is the sweetest little girl you will ever meet. She is soft, kind and super loving. 

She loves kids, swimming and running with the quad.

Freya is full sister to hope, half sister to Sybil and Aunty to Bella



This is our energizer bunny, hope is always keen to play. She loves to swim, herd the others, push cattle in the yards and running behind the quad. Although she has the most energy of all she is super smart, kind and loving.

Hope is full sister to Freya, half sister to Sybil and Mother of Bella


This girl is our Ol mother hubbard. Raffy adores children, loves to lay around either on the couch or soaking up the sun, she is super super sweet and snuggly. She does really enjoy giving us a run for our money on the quad bike.



Our 2nd youngest girl, she is water mad! Love chasing the hose, swimming in the dam, horse trough's, you name it, if there is water Sybil will be there.

Sybil is still very affectionate but only for short moments.

She is also half sister to Hope & Freya (they share the same mum)


This is our youngest girl, she is our sweet fun loving girl.

Bella is always out to please. She also loves rounding up our guinea fowls.

Bella is daughter to Hope and niece to Freya and Sybil.

Meet The Team: Meet The Team
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